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The Protector Culture Podcast with Jimmy Graham

Apr 25, 2023

Our right as Americans seem to always be on the chopping block lately. The media is always looking for a way to spin what is happening or doctor a story that makes you believe the motives are good. Taylor Rhodes from Rocky Mountain Gun Owners stands on the front lines protecting our gun rights, but more importantly he...

Apr 18, 2023

2023 is shaping up to be a big year for Able Shepherd. The building expansion is just about underway with a potential building lined up and plans for design already complete. Several new courses including breacher will be making their way to those who are in level 4. Why breaching? If there is a solid door...

Apr 11, 2023

Where are you going when you die?

Have you ever thought about it?

Have you ever thought about where the people around you will go when they leave this earth? 

Jimmy and BK get into a deep discussion about the burden and pain of realizing their loved one's don't know Jesus. Jimmy has been convicted, and desires, that...